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Contact and reservations
If the price of the painting is not mentioned, please make an offer. Jos maalauksen hintaa ei ole mainittu, tee ystävällisesti tarjous.
Artist Seppo Saari. Portrait of Juhani, Junnu Aaltonen, who is world-recognized (13rd Cramex ranking among studio musicians) and several times rewarded flutist and saxophonist. Portrait in the year 2017.
Several participations in group exhibitions
2015 - 2020
Two large solo exhibitions
- 2017
- 2018
Contact the artist using the form above or send separate e-mail - Ota yhteyttä edellä olevalla yhteyslomakkeella tai erillisellä sähköpostilla.
Because of Corona, I have skipped some few exhibition possibilities. Perhaps later more.
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